Senin, 12 Mei 2014

[CUSTOM ROM] Ace-i- Sure Samsung Galaxy Y gt-5360

Postingan kali ini masih seputar custom rom. Custom rom yang saya bagikan ini bernama Ace i Sure. Untuk menginstallnya terdapat aroma installer. Didalamnya kita bisa memilih beberapa tema, jadi nggak hanya ini saja didalamnya terdapat pilihan tema seperti ICS, Sense dll. Kalo mau nyoba silahkan, gratis kok, hehe


ROM using AROMA Installer, Highly Customizable ROM Installation...
6 Theme Packs, 10 Boot Animations, Default Apps can be selected..
Rooted... Super User Added...
With Stock Kernel you can acess SIM Contacts
Modded Holo Launcher for better performance
6 lockscreens by Alucard1989pl
New Status Bar & Notification Area
(50% Transparency, Clock, Expanded Date, Data Bandwidth Speed...)
Swipe to Remove Notifications
Quick Brightness Control
280+ Languages Support including Arabic, Indian Languages
(Use Opera Mini/Fennec (Firefox) for better readability)
63 numbers of Locale (Languages) added
Battery Charging Animation in status bar
New Settings layout
DSP Audio Settings
Clock Tweaks - Type, Color...
UnHidden Extra Phone Info in Settings
100 Built-in Direct Wallpapers for Ace-i-Sure theme, 10 each in Other themes
Perfect Keyboard as default
Updated List of Ringtones, Alarm Sounds
Several build.prop Tweaks added
My Files replaced by Rhythm File Manager
Voice Recorder Replaced by Ultimate Voice Recorder
Google Play Store v.4.0.25
Google Maps 6.12.0
Google YouTube 4.4.11
Jorte Calendar 1.4.17


Download Disini

1. Letakkan file di sdcard
2. Boot ke recovery mode
3. Apply update from sd card
4. Instal rom
5. Disini akan ada aroma installer, dan ikuti instruksinya ( touch screen sudah bisa digunakan ) kemudian instal
6. Reboot system now

•Brijeshep for original ROM

•AmalRuzz for Aroma Installer

•15 Toggle & 6 Lockscreens by Alucard1989pl

•15 Toggles Icons - Credits goes to m.h.mahadi, abhi922, dabeez98, berksems, Kundal & Boudz78

•Some PNG Resources for Themes - esk02k, Boudz78, Berk Semsioglu, domnic79, Vexillum V4, lostintortola

•puneeth.007 - Showing me the new method of installing... with his ATOMODS

•Run init.d scripts at startup thread by DooMLoRD and iridaki

•ActivoSpeeder V3.2 by Fauzan Dhiya Ul-Haq

•EDT Tweaks by Einherjar Development Team

•Some Boot Animations are Collected by Lalit Patil

•Galaxy Toolbox by Doky73

•No-frills CPU Control

•Lidroid - Toggles

•Virtuous Ten Studio - Recompiling apks

•Notepad++ - Editing xml, smali

•ZipSigner - Signing rom zip files

•Adobe Photoshop - Editing pics

•7Zip & WinRAR - Extracting resources

• - Wallpapers

•Google Images - Searching Icons...


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